The Cyprus Penal Code has a large number of criminal offences, and this blog will be giving a brief look into 5 crimes that didn't know about. Some of the following may surprise you:

1. It is a crime to break plates for entertainment at restaurants or to be an owner who allows guests to break plates.
Maximum sentence: 6 months imprisonment.

2. It is a crime to import, manufacture, sell, give away, display for sale, own, or possess handcuffs without the permission of the Chief of Police.
Maximum sentence/penalty: 6 months imprisonment or fine of £500.

3. It is a crime to practice magic, fortune-telling or exorcism for a profit.
Maximum sentence: 1 year imprisonment.

4. It is a crime to organise, direct, operate, promote a pyramid scheme or motivate a person to participate in one.
Maximum sentence/penalty: 5 years imprisonment or fine of €200.000.

5. It is a crime to maliciously insult the army in public.
Maximum sentence/fine: 2 years imprisonment and/or fine of £1500.
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